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Juniors 4-12

Juniors 4-12

Classes and Courses will be set aside for students,which covers the ages of 4-12years of both boys and girls. Maison D’ Avril coaches who experienced and willing to impact our students to radiate quite confidence that is needed in modeling.
* Modeling/Department/Body Language/Choreographed Routines/Runway
* Photographic Confidence
* Television/TV Commercial/communication
* Etiquette/Table manners
* Speech/conversation skills
* Hair care/skincare/Personal grooming
* Age/Appropriate healthy glow makeup
* Healthy bodies/Posture
* Colour Analysis/Grooming/Wardrobe coordination
* Photo shoot and portfolio
* Business in Fashion Education


Modelling Party

* Fun package for models that must have completed the cycles
* Group parade at the end of the third (3) cycle, that is filmed.
* Portfolio

Modelling Fees

* The school calendar is divided into three (3) cycles and four (4) weeks makes up a (1) cycle.
* ₦125,000 for the complete three (3) cycles/three (3) months
* ₦65,000 for two (2) cycles/ two (2) months
* And ₦35,000 for a (1) cycle/a (1) month
* The photo shoot cost is not included in the cycles fees as it is optional.
* Note portfolio are for students who must have completed the full cycle (3)


Welcome to Maison D'Avril.
A Modelling School and Agency.