become a top model

Please fill the form below if you will like to enroll with us.
Enrolment fee for two terms is 150,000 naira.
Each image upload should not be more than 1mb

Pictures Guideline

Important points in taking polaroids:

    • Do not wear any makeup whatsoever.
    • Put your hair up, or pull it back into a ponytail so that your jawline and cheekbones are well depicted.
    • Do not retouch the images in any way. blemishes are fine.
    • Try and avoid flash photography (turn the flash off on your phone camera).

Taking the pictures
When you take these images, any clear camera or phone camera will work. Take the pictures outdoors in natural light without flash (if possible). How do you do this? Follow these simple steps. Keep the background simple, for example, a simple wall, ideally white. Turn the flash off on the camera. If you are too dark, it’s probably because the background is too bright. If you can’t get yourself properly exposed, you can try turning the flash on but it will flatten you out in the image.




    Welcome to Maison D'Avril.
    A Modelling School and Agency.